Thanks for visiting! Here is little more about my background and why I developed this school!


Hi! My name is Katie IndiCrow. I am a psychopomp and soul guide. I also am a trained social anthropologist and academic educator. I bring my nerdy love of Earth, souls, and information to this school. Thanks for visiting.

University educated and experienced, I hold a Ba(h), MA (distinction) and worked my way to the end of a PhD in social anthropology. (Ultimately leaving to open this school. It was time.) During this phase I trained under world-class scholars, presented original research at international conferences, and worked in a co-design lead position on examining engagement in digital education focused programming. (The first of its kind at that university, might I add.)

I was known as an ethics whiz kid, renowned for my ability to work cross discipline. I fused social, economic, and psychological theories to create layered understandings of emotional, cultural, and financial related conditions underlying whatever 'theme' we were examining. I worked on over 15 research teams on projects ranging from healthcare funding distribution to social enterprise to economic policy.  My personal research focus tended to flow around economic distribution, social reproduction with a focus on the household, policy (governance) and community development. I was (and still am) fascinated by the nuts and bolts of how things work. In my opinion, when we see those base factors and understand them with clarity, we can improve how things work.

An excellent communicator, I was accepted into an accelerated teaching program at the age of 21 while still a BA student. This marked the beginning of ten years of university level teaching. This included TA work, independent course design, and by the age of 26, teaching full university courses. This continued until I retired in 2016 to open IndiCrow Academy. The formal teaching training and classroom hours experience show in my ability to create the streamlined, self-guided study programming that you find here. I got the skills to do this at a university level (and was a sought after up and coming young lecturer there). This makes what you find at the Academy distinct from what many other spiritual teachers are able to offer.

The methods I teach and why I take this approach

I am an innovator who is always creating. Born 'awake', I most specifically began the part of my journey that brought me here today through the course of having a teenage bout of cancer, crossing over, coming back in and being led by my own soul and the gentle love of this planet to find a way to heal and be myself again.

Over the course of about ten years, I trained myself on how to reconnect my soul to my body. I figured out how things like being an empath and energy centers and communicating with animals worked. From there, I remembered how to take care of the earth. The next ten years were spent traveling it, teaching classes, and further developing my teachings.

Some of the basics you find here:

1) The Earth is a sentient being who has the power to heal, inspire, and advise us. Learning to connect to the Earth in self-healing is our birthright. Forming Earth-Source connection sits at the basis of all of my training as a starting point.

2) The Universe is an energy system that runs on pure love and we are part of it. When we reconnect to and purposely work with that harmonic, we are able to magnify it within ourselves (and beyond). Connecting to Source and working with that energy to heal our souls and align ourselves.

3) Our soul is a never-ending and unique fountain of knowledge. We each are sacred and have sacred gifts. Tuning into that part of our soul is the ideal source of guidance that we are meant to be living with. (This is the soul compass part in Soul Compass.)

4) We all have the propensity to do deep soul and energy body healing that translates into a state of physical well-being and experience that far surpasses what we consider the 'norm' of human potential. (This underlies my core message).

5) Your soul and your connection to Creator is the most powerful anchor point for your life.

How IndiCrow Methods will Change Your Life

The methods you find here are those that I have developed as part of this journey. I call in the body, soul, planet approach. Why?  My basic philosophy includes a tri-partite approach that takes body, soul, and planet as part of our process to harmonization, health and well-being. This approach is all about getting to know our souls, reconnecting to and healing our soul and energy body relationship, and forming healthy connections to this planet.  

Accessing my Programs: In April 2024 I replaced my core programming with new videos and courses to keep it fresh! Ready to go 'All in'? Start with 'How to be Spiritually Uneffwithable' where you get a baseline of all the skills to be strong, in your spiritual power, and working with metaphysics and your intuition to have an excellent life.

Want to start slower than a 3 month course? Try, 'Breathe, Ground, Connect'. It is here that you learn the basic philosophy on how to command your energy field through meditation, stabilizing with earth. and harmonizing to the universe. The skills you learn here open the door to a never-ending treasure trove of self-discovery that we launch into in 'Uneffwithable', or, if you choose this root, "How to Hear and Heal Your Soul' (an older yet still powerful core course).

Seeking Earth training? As I laid out on the front page of this website, I recommend you get started with 'Earth Connect' and build from there. Anyone seeking to do Earth healing - contact me and I will set you up with my community built around that. I do offer ongoing advice and do quarterly gatherings where I talk about what is going on with Earth and what we are being asked to do for the planetary energy shift we are in the midst of.

Feel free to email me at, tell me what you are seeking on learning and I will advise you on where to begin.

Begin Your Journey, Today

Check out my current course offerings

I have a list of courses that are available for self-access personal study right now. Love a 'live' class? I routinely offer workshops and am about to open up tuition for a guided Earth Medicine experience.  Sign up to my email list to get notice of those. 
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