Current Course Offerings
Where to start? I have just released two brand-new sets of training. The first, 'How to be Spiritually Uneffwithable' is a collection of high-impact metaphysical tools that will help you transform your life. Self-access in nature and put together in bight sized pieces, this course mixes guided meditation, energy alignment practices, self-observation, and self-connection as a way to get you in your best path (and to stay there). You learn to work with energy to call in and align to your goals as well as how to feel well in this ever changing world!
If you are here to learn about Earth Medicine and Earth Connection, I recommend, "Earth Medicine". A four month self-access learning experience where you learn about tree medicine, water medicine, animal medicine (and how all these layers work together). This one is very special and features personal fieldtrips, loads of guided Earth connection videos, and heartfelt information that will transform your life.