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How to Heal and Hear Your Soul: Soul Compass self-study (Material being updated.)

This course covers the groundwork of hearing your soul, repairing your energy body, and appreciating your intuitive abilities. Work with these tools to: call in your soul & activate your highest harmonic life-path experience, do advanced soul connection and healing, develop your soul-body relationship, hear your intuition, and self-checks for discernment.

This is a well-rounded package that is a great place to come for tuning up already existing skills and or developing new ones. Students call it, 'practical', and 'life changing'.

Please note: this is bargain priced because I believe these skills are meant to be accessible to everyone. If you need a payment plan or partial scholarship, email me at to request.

Write your awesome label here.

What's included?

  • Explanatory videos that bring life to your learning, taking you chapter by chapter through the learning for this program.
  • 1 ebook with 12 chapters, one chapter per one week of learning.
  • 3 months of learning material, 12 months of access and the ability to download videos for 'keeps' after you are done studying.
  • Tools for daily life that you will work with again and again.
  • Completing these satisfies the pre-requisite for all future courses and private work.

Pathways of Conscious Self-Connection

Conscious self-connection is all about tapping into yourself with intention. This program holds a major focus on developing and appreciating the ways that your soul and energy body work together to form a rich tapestry of expression and experience. 

We are complex, multi-layered beings. The methods you learn here help you tune, align, and discover yourself in a multitude of contexts. 

Energy alignment + Soul Communication = Solid Grounding 

*This or the 'Soul Compass' book learning experience are pre-requisites to enter more advanced training with me.

Why is this a prerequisite? The methods here give you a close look at your internal body and communication systems. For some this is a first look, for others a refinement and reconnection to what you have been developing all along. The discernment checks, soul communication, and alignment points serve as strong grounding points for daily life. They serve as a powerful anchor for the soul travel, energy work, and healing that (some) students participate in. These methods also stand as the launch point 'steps wise' for the more advanced work I will be teaching in future seasons. We build on what you learn, here.
Meet the instructor

Katie IndiCrow

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Be sure to tune into 'Crow Medicine: Spirituality for the 21st Century' podcast. Available on spotify, apple podcasts, google and all the majors. Click here to be brought to a list of episodes and links to all platforms:

Are you a spotify premium member AND a music lover? If so, you may be interested in 'Crow Medicine Music Journeys'. This is a concept where I apply some of the tools that you learn in this school to music. It is fun. Click here for a shortlist:
Patrick Jones - Course author
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